
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wong Ka Kui's Death in the Year of 1993

The year of 1993 could be a turning point for the young band of Beyond. Just in this year, the lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist and the founder of Beyond, Wong Ka Kui died after an accident in filming a game show in Japan.

After Beyond ended their propaganda in Taiwan, they returned to Japan to make their new album and worked hard in releasing their new album in Japan. In the end of May, they returned to Hong Kong and brought Hong Kong fans with the album of Rock and Roll. In this album, there was a song that is still sung by people now named Boundless Ocean Vast Skies. This song summoned the ten years of Beyond's pursuit of music. In the end of June in this year, they released their Japanese album.

This year was the tenth anniversary of the foundation of Beyond and they also planned to hold a large concert in the end of the year to celebrate their anniversary.

No one would have thought of the death of Wong Ka Kui on the day of June 24, which was a heavy and tragic shock for Beyond. In addition, his death was a tune point for the whole band.

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