
Friday, August 5, 2011

Beyond's Musical Career in Taiwan

Wong Ka Kui

From the year of 1997, Beyond actively recorded the Mandarin Chinese record, which showed that they paid much attention on the music market in Taiwan. After the traditional Chinese spring festival of 1998, Beyond again released its new Mandarin Chinese record named Here and There. Although most of the songs in this album were the old songs in the past, Beyond interpreted all those songs in the new way on the aspect of music. In addition, the electronic music became the mainstream of Beyond music. The light cold tune of the song Slow was better than other songs in this album. The publication of Beyond in Taiwan was more since this year.

In March 14th, Beyond held a concert in Taiwan. Besides the fans in Taiwan, there were audience from Hong Kong and South Korean, which made the Taiwan press feel the charm of Beyond. In addition, in April and May, Beyond took part in a few campus concerts, which showed their wish to expanded their music career in the Taiwan market. In April, they released a record of best Beyond songs. The song Leave Me Along was changed into Cantonese edition and the bands from the Hong Kong universities were invited to accompany with Beyond in this song.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beyond Tried New Musical Style in 1997

Beyond didn't recruit new member after the death of Wong Ka Kui

After a long time since the last album, Beyond eventually released its new album named Please Let Go of Your Hands. The whole album could be seen as a completely new experiment. In addition, psychedelic electronic music was added in their music. The songs such as Let Go of Your Hands and Big Era were excellent in describing Hong Kong citizens' inside world in the end of the 20th century. They also composed songs for the animal welfare fund and deaf persons such as Who Names Me and Echo. However, the song of Echo was criticized that it imitated the style of Oasis. This whole album was recorded in their own record studio, which made them being proud.

At the end of the year, Beyond released another album Surprise and the style of electronic style was still contained in this album. In this album, the members of Beyond tried to change their singing voice and gave the audience completely new experience. However, the musical critic thought that the style of Beyond music was fixed and the pure rock music was not as popular as in the past.

Just in the year of 1997, Beyond worked hard to change their music style and did a lot of attempts.